Friday, June 15, 2012

Hey, you over there!

Hi, Here's something new. We want YOUR book suggestions! post the book's title, the author and the publisher in the comments box below, and we'll read your books, Perhaps even write a review!

please make sure there are NO:
adult content
detailed violence.

-D and B
p.s: please post who you think should read it. D is older. Thanks and Happy reading!


  1. here's an example of what you should post!

    title: Hunger games
    author: Suzanne Collins
    publisher: Scholastic Inc.

  2. Hey B!
    Can you please read:
    Title: Half Magic
    Author: Edward Eager


Please don't spam, swear, or post any spoilers. Now everyone can post! That's right! All you people that don't have a google, or blogger account can post!