Monday, June 10, 2013


Book Cover
Author: Kenneth Oppel
Publisher: Firewing productions, inc.

Airborn is about Matt Cruse who lies in a time where Airships control the skies. He works aboard the Aurora as a cabin boy, spending his day serving lazy passengers drinks and messing around with Baz, his best friend. 

A year before the main story takes place, Matt spots a hot airballoon floating around.An unconscious old man aboard the hot air-balloon is brought on board, and Doc Halliday says the man has phenomena and had a heart attack. When the man is conscious, Matt visits and the man babbles about beautiful creatures. Shortly later, the man dies, leaving Matt wondering what he was talking about.
The main story line involves Kate, an adventorus girl Matt's age; Miss. Simkins, Kate's controlling nanny who has a tendancy to get headaches; Bruce Lundari, a young man that 'steals' Matt's future position aboard the ship; a pirate Captain called Szpirglas, who tries not to kill unless 'nessicary'; and a Cloudcat called: She.

I loved Airborn so much and I stayed up two nights in a row, long past midnight to read this book. It's so amazing. There was a few things that bugged me. One of Matt's sisters changed names frequently, but she wasn't a big part of the book, so I was okay-ish. There was also some grammar mistakes, but I was too caught up in the great story to not read it because of those tiny buggers.

OH, and I CANNOT wait for this book to be made into a movie. It's in the works right now!!! :D

Rating (Out of five): four stars
Suggested Age: 12 and up
Warning: Minor Violence and several swears.

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